Quick Stats
Project type: Community, social networking site.
Delivery method: Low to high-bandwidth internet connections
Technology: Python, Django, MySQL, CSS, JQuery
SixLinks was born out of the need for a comprehensive place for people to learn about the biggest issues we face, and what we can do about them.
It combines community collaboration with task-driven social networking to create a truly new web experience, and a fuller web experience that encourages users to get off the computer and do things in the real world.
Technical Details
SixLinks is a another benefactor of Quantum Imagery's shift to Django as a platform of choice, instead of custom-coded frameworks in PHP. This switch gives us better testing facilities, faster development speed, and higher overall quality and reliability.
On the front-end, SixLinks is built with pure CSS (especially useful as it's about to undergo its third major redesign). We also use Jquery for most dynamic elements and AJAX for its reliability, speed, and ease of implementation.